
Our Concept
“Zoo”といえば、動物園。じつは、Zooの由来は「Zoological Garden」というロンドンの特定の動物園を指す固有名詞にあるとのこと。この「Zoological Garden」の“Zoo”の部分は、 古代ギリシャ語の“Zoion”が由来になっていて、これは、【生きている】とか、【生命体】とかいう意味を持つそう。その“ZOO”に複数形の“S”を。
Redesigning the environment for girls' sports
Our Concept
The word "Zoo" means a zoo. In fact, the word "Zoo" is derived from "Zoological Garden," a proper name for a particular zoo in London. The "Zoo" in "Zoological Garden" is derived from the ancient Greek word "Zoion," which means "living" or "organism. It is said to mean "living" or "life form. The plural "S" is added to the "ZOO".
We want to live together while accepting the diversity of life,
We want to weave a connection between all life forms that becomes richer when we gather together.
We at ZOOS started running on April 1, 2022 with these thoughts in mind.
In the future, we plan to expand beyond the operation of the 3x3 club and develop various projects and businesses with a focus on the girls' basketball community, including the creation of products that deliver the ZOOS brand message, the operation of a girls' basketball community as a lifestyle, and the production and management of girls' basketball players. and management of girls' basketball players.

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