約30年前に閉館して以来、誰に使われることもなく、手付かずのまま町の片隅にひっそりと取り残されていた廃映画館。この場所を、かつての映画館としての面影を極力残しつつ改修を重ね、新たにミュージアム / イベントスペースとして蘇らせました。
A new story began at a movie theater that closed 30 years ago.
Since its closure about 30 years ago, this abandoned movie theater had been left in a corner of the town, unused and untouched. We renovated this place while retaining as much as possible of the former movie theater, and revived it as a new museum/event space.
The space has a 5-meter-high ceiling with a large skylight, a huge screen over 200 inches high, dull sound insulation walls stained with cigarette stains, and a fully ordered vintage sound system.
In this atmospheric space, exhibitions, screenings, performances, plays, dances, discussions, and various other stories that could not have happened in a movie theater in the past are born. Although this is no longer a movie theater, it will continue to be a place where new encounters and discoveries are made each time one visits, just as it was in the old days of movie theaters.

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